Monday, May 29, 2017

A Non-Traditional Route to Med School? Student Doctor Angela’s Combined BA/MD Experience

Read more interviews with med students!

This interview is the latest in an Accepted blog series featuring interviews with medical school applicants and students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top medical schools and the med school application process. And now, introducing Angela…

Accepted: We’d like to get to know you! Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad?

Angela: Hey y’all, I’m from the south, and I am in a combined medical program in the Midwest! I am a Liberal Arts major, pursuing a B.A./M.D. degree.

Accepted: Where are you currently attending med school? What year are you?

Angela: Sorry, I am trying to keep some privacy.

Accepted: When did you know that your med school was the right “fit” for you?

Angela: I always knew that I wanted to become a physician, so right out of high school I was looking for opportunities. I applied to several combined degree programs so I could enter medical school right after I graduated. Ultimately, I wanted to be close to home and be able to pursue my dream, so this is how I chose my school!

Accepted: How has med school been for you so far? Have you experienced any challenges? How have you overcome them?

Angela: It has been very interesting, to say the least. My biggest challenge was people telling me that I was not adequately prepared to take on medical school at a young age. To be completely honest, I do not feel that anyone feels fully prepared to enter medical school. You just have to be passionate about it and go for it! I believe that being confident in my passion for medicine and trusting in God allowed me to be prepared for the rigorous program that I am in and is helping me succeed in it as well. I am young, but I am strong, determined, and willing to learn from life, so I do not see my age as a hindrance, but just a number.

Accepted: You chronicle your journey on your blog, Student Doctor Angela. What can readers find on your blog? What made you want to start sharing your med school experience with others?

Angela: Readers can find anything from summer body workout tips to guest blog features from popular social media personalities to clinic style. There is just about everything and anything, and I believe that portrays my variety of interests! I kept reading all these blogs from different medical students, but it was hard to find anyone who looked like me or anyone in a similar program like me. I am a very nontraditional student in a nontraditional route. I am navigating life day by day, and the medical social media community is so supportive. 🙂

Accepted: What has been your favorite part of med school thus far? Least favorite part?

Angela: My favorite part has been learning, I learn something new everyday, inside and outside of the classroom. My least favorite part would be having to be away from my family and friends back home.

Accepted: Lastly, can you share your top three tips for med school success?


1. Run your own race! Everyone works at different paces and we are all on different journeys, looking at someone else will distract you from your own task

2. Failure is not final! Things will go wrong and you may feel like life is taking a turn for the worst, but it’s not! Failure is the best thing that could ever happen to a person, why? – it is an amazing learning opportunity, it humbles you, and it keeps you grateful for everything you have and how far you have come

3. Do not be afraid to ask for help! No man is an island, get help when you need it and don’t wait until it is too late, whether that be from your friends, family, professors, paid tutors – everyone falls sometimes and will need help. Ask for help please – it does not mean you are dumb or incapable, no one knows everything.

You can check out Angela’s blog at Student Dr Angela or follow her on Twitter (@studentdrangela), or on Instagram (@studentdrangela). Thank you Angela for sharing your story and advice – we wish you continued success!

For one-on-one guidance on your med school applications, check out our catalog of med school admissions services.

Do you want to be featured in Accepted’s blog? If you want to share your med school journey with the world (or at least with our readers), email us at

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Related Resources:

• Why Do You Want to Be a Doctor? [Short Video]
• Where Should I Apply To Med School?
• Numbers Aren’t Everything When You Choose Your Med Schools

The post A Non-Traditional Route to Med School? Student Doctor Angela’s Combined BA/MD Experience appeared first on Accepted Admissions Blog.

from Accepted Admissions Blog

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