Sunday, August 7, 2016

Icahn School Of Medicine At Mount Sinai 2016-17 Secondary Application Essay Tips


Check out other school specific secondary essay tips!

According to U.S. News and World Report, Icahn SOM is ranked in the top 20 medical schools in the U.S. for research. In 2009, the school received the Spencer Foreman Award for Outstanding Community Service because it places special emphasis on recruiting students from diverse backgrounds who demonstrate a strong dedication to community service through long-term involvement and leadership roles. Implication for applicants: Highlight your unique characteristics, talents and experiences that will enhance the diversity on Icahn’s campus while demonstrating commitment and leadership.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2016-17 Secondary Essay Questions:

1. Please tell us about a passion (professional or personal) you have had thus far in your life. (250 word limit)

Since this question is intentionally broad, you’ll want to be strategic in what topic you choose to cover here. Start by making a list—be creative. Rank your list of interests based on relevance to their school’s mission. Consider using only those interests that will be helpful to you, your classmates and patients in your medical education. If you have always had a wonderful sense of humor and have performed at comedy clubs or at hospitals, mention this! There are so many possibilities that could illustrate what you will bring to medicine that is unique to you. If you are stuck on this question, you can ask friends and/or family to help you identify a talent, hobby or skill that you use professionally and/or personally. It would be ideal to choose something that has taken you considerable time and effort to cultivate.

2. Please tell us about a situation in which working with others has been challenging. (200 word limit)

Basically, the adcom wants you to demonstrate the depth of your experience in working on a team. To provide the best response, select a professional situation that will reveal how you were able to successfully create a positive outcome through your interpersonal communication skills and/or ability to problem solve. Create an outline. Introduce what the situation was in the first few sentences. Describe the issues and difficulties that arose. Focus on what you did and how you changed the outcome for the group to successfully meet your collective goals. Illustrate what role you play on a team and how you lead and/or support others.

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

Icahn School of Medicine Application Timeline:

Check out more school-specific secondary essay tips!

*Strong recommendation: Submit within two weeks after receipt.

If you would like professional guidance with your Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai application materials, check out Accepted’s Medical School Admissions Consulting and Editing Services, which include advising, editing, and interview coaching for Icahn SOM’s application materials.

Is your dream school within your reach? Click here to find out!

is an Accepted advisor and editor specializing in healthcare admissions. Prior to joining Accepted, Alicia worked for five years as Student Advisor at UC Davis’ postbac program where she both evaluated applications and advised students applying successfully to med school and related programs.

Related Resources:

• 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid In Your Med School Essays [Free Guide]
• Getting Into Medical School: Advice from a Pro
• Writer, Designer, And MS1 At The Icahn School Of Medicine

The post Icahn School Of Medicine At Mount Sinai 2016-17 Secondary Application Essay Tips appeared first on Accepted Admissions Consulting Blog.

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